Sunday, August 23, 2009

I think...

People (humanity in general) are obsessed with the idea of apocalypse. They're always searching for things that are going to kill us all and latching onto it like insecure barnacles.

In a way, I am too.

It's weird, and I don't know how to explain it, but honestly...

I kind of wanna see it happen.

Because out of the billions and billions of people that have lived and will live, such a small percentage will be able to experience the end of the world.

I hope (as I similarly hope with my own death) it happens in an explosion of triumph, glory and flames, scarring the universe with a eulogy that says "this is what it took to wipe out the great human1 species"

- I mean...if it has to happen (and it does) might as well do it spectacularly.

1.It would also be pretty awesome if the "human" part was replaced with "cockroach".

1 comment:

AdmiralJosephCappuccino said...

I like how this is your 23rd blog.